Hourly rates and fixed fees

The following are the relevant hourly rates for this purpose (Civil Legal Aid (Remuneration) Regulations 2013/422 ). Hourly rates and fixed fees were reduced by 10% for cases started on or after 3/10/11: the current rates are shown in the tables below.

Pre July 2008 Post July 2008 From 3/10/11 Certificate
LH CLR LH CLR LH London LH Country CLR London CLR Country
Letters 4.40 4.40 4.50 4.60 4.05 3.78 4.14 3.87 7.50
Telephone 4.15
Preparation 57.35 61.20 58.50 64.25 52.65 48.24 57.83 54.09 79.50
Attendance 75.00
Travel 30.30 30.30 30.90 31.80 27.81 27.00 28.62 27.81 33.25
Waiting 28.62 27.81
Advocacy n/a 69.60 n/a 73.10 52.65 48.24 65.79 65.79 n/a
Att with csl n/a 32.55 n/a 34.20 30.78 30.78 37.00

The pre-3/10/11 LH and CLR rates shown are the London rates.

The Certificate rates shown are the pre-3/10/11 London, Higher Court rates. Certificate rates in mental health are split into (a) 'Higher Courts' and 'County Courts and Magistrates Courts' and also (b) (for preparation and attendance) London and non-London. The new rates can be found in section 10 of the Schedule of revised legal aid fees. Incorporate these into table: letters £5.94; telephone £3.29; prep and attendance £63 in London, £59.40 elsewhere; travel and waiting £26.28; advocacy £59.40; attendance with counsel £29.25.

Fixed fees

The following are the relevant fixed fees:

Pre July 2008 Post July 2008 From 3/10/11
Fee for level Cumulative 3x threshold Fee for level Cumulative 3x threshold Fee for level Cumulative 3x threshold
Non Tribunal 275 275 825 281 281 843 253 253 759
L1 Tribunal 140 140 420 143 143 429 129 129 387
L2 Tribunal 340 480 1440 357 500 1500 321 450 1350
L3 Tribunal 311 791 2373 327 827 2481 294 744 2232
Adjournment x1 124 915 2745 130 957 2871 117 861 2349
Remote (L1) 75 n/a n/a 77 n/a n/a 69 n/a n/a
Remote (Non, L2, L3) 150 n/a n/a 153 n/a n/a 138 n/a n/a