Landslide detection, monitoring and prediction with remote-sensing techniques

Landslides are widespread occurrences that can become catastrophic when they occur near settlements and infrastructure. Detection, monitoring and prediction are fundamental to managing landslide risks and often rely on remote-sensing techniques (RSTs) that include the observation of Earth from space, laser scanning and ground-based interferometry. In this Technical Review, we describe the use of RSTs in landslide analysis and management. Satellite RSTs are used to detect and measure landslide displacement, providing a synoptic view over various spatiotemporal scales. Ground-based sensors (including ground-based interferometric radar, Doppler radar and lidar) monitor smaller areas, but combine accuracy, high acquisition frequency and configuration flexibility, and are therefore increasingly used in real-time monitoring and early warning of landslides. Each RST has advantages and limitations that depend on the application (detection, monitoring or prediction), the size of the area of concern, the type of landslide, deformation pattern and risks posed by landslide. The integration of various technologies is, therefore, often best. More effective landslide risk management requires greater leveraging of big data, more strategic use of monitoring resources and better communication with residents of landslide-prone areas.

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Author information

Authors and Affiliations

  1. Department of Earth Sciences, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Florence, Italy Nicola Casagli, Emanuele Intrieri, Veronica Tofani, Giovanni Gigli & Federico Raspini
  1. Nicola Casagli