Sample Lesson Plans for Junior and Senior High School Age Students

These lesson plans are designed to be used in parish religious education and youth ministry programs and in Catholic schools. We encourage local educators to adapt them or to create their own resources to share the message of Faithful Citizenship.

The following four sample sessions correspond to the Adult Education/Small Faith Community sessions and the session for Elementary Age Students. One option is to make the sessions intergenerational where families and individuals of all ages gather for prayer and then break out into age appropriate groups. Or, these sessions can be done independently as part of a more traditional catechetical setting or in a Catholic school classroom.

Catechetical Session
Junior/Senior High School
Lesson Plan A

Theme: The Call to Participate in Public Life


Be sure to begin each session by establishing a sense of welcome and hospitality. If participants do not already know one another well, you may wish to do an icebreaker. Once everyone is comfortable, the session begins by connecting the session topic with the young person's human experience, i.e. her/his "story" or ideas. Have a Bible prominently enthroned in the room as the centerpiece for prayer and the proclamation of the Word.

Open the session by describing the theme in relation to the election year. There is a strong connection between being a disciple and being active in our communities and in the world.

Write the words "FAITHFUL DISCIPLE" on a dry erase board or newsprint. Ask the young people to describe a "faithful disciple." List the characteristics the young people name.

Next, write the words "ACTIVE COMMUNITY MEMBER" on the board and ask the young people to name characteristics or qualities of an active community member. If they need help, ask, "What types of things should a community member do to be engaged and involved in their community?" (For example, join community organizations, be part of Neighborhood Watch, go to community events, vote, volunteer, donate to local organizations that help the poor, pick up litter on the sidewalks, etc.).

Finally, write the following on the board: "FAITHFUL DISCIPLE = ACTIVE COMMUNITY MEMBER." Ask the young people to say what they think you mean by this.

Make the connection: Explain that what you mean is that a faithful disciple is an active community member. Our faith calls us to be active in our communities. Lead the young people to see that the Church teaches that being members of the Church community is not limited to what we do inside of Church on Sundays; we are also called to live out our faith in the world and work to transform the wrong in our communities. We are called to be faithful disciples who are active in our communities, both local and global.

Opening Prayer

Call the group to prayer. After an extended pause, continue with these or similar words:

Let us pray.
Loving Father, we thank you for calling us to be disciples of your Son, Jesus Christ. Spirit that guides us, help us to be faithful disciples who are active community members. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Students are seated. Catechist takes Bible from enthronement and proclaims reading. Be sure reading is marked in advance.

Scripture Reading & Faith Sharing

The catechist makes the transition to this movement by describing that Jesus teaches us how to be faithful disciples who are active community members. He tells us we have to "love God" and "love our neighbor."

Proclaim the reading (Mk. 12:28-34):

A reading from the Gospel of Mark…

After the reading a brief period of silence follows. Then, the catechist asks these or similar questions:

After the initial response, proclaim the reading again.

A reading from the Gospel of Mark…

Then ask the following questions: